Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Andy Warhol, Art and Advertising

The title of my blog is a quote from one of the most well-known pop artist, Andy Warhol.  He says, "The world fascinates me." And I couldn't agree with him more! In class this week we were asked the question "Is advertising a good thing?" My initial response was a resounding YES! However, when I tried to reason why I thought it was a good thing I was conflicted. Materialism is not something I agree with, and accumulating more and more stuff that you really don't need is not something I want to promote either. So why do I have such a positive taste in my mouth for something so related to both vices.  I dug a little deeper and found that my dear Mr. Warhol was able to help me out with an answer. Andy Warhol often times used advertisements and everyday things as the subject of his artwork.  Advertising, among many other things, is art. Art is a portrayal and reaction to the world around us; and as I stated before, "the world fascinates me." Advertising is good because, like art, it captures our attention. It is fascinating.   

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