Tuesday, October 12, 2010

McDonald's Billboards on 294

This summer my sister and I would frequently drive 294 to get into Chicago for the various activities and festivals of the season. Some of our favorite billboards along the way were advertisements for McDonald's.  When viewing them with a carefree summer spirit, I just took them to be funny ads. However, as I begin to analyze them from a writer's mindset I begin to see the geniuses of the writing.  One of the ads says, "If breakfast had an all-star team." and then shows a picture of a McDonald's breakfast. Another shows a cup of McDonald's coffee and says "If coffee is Joe, consider this Joseph." At base level the ads are simply saying that their food is better and classier than other restaurants food. But that's where the irony comes in -  it's McDonald's, and everyone knows McDonald's food is cheap and not very good for you.  Their food is not the best or most sophisticated choice, and that is exactly what I find cleverly funny about those ads.

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