Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Cheverolet Print Ad

In honor of all the print ads we created for class, I am going to discuss a print ad that I thought was especially effective. I apologize right off the bat for not having the image shown. I found the ad in a magazine I was flipping through while waiting to be seen for a doctors appt. I would have just ripped the ad out of the magazine right  then and there but it was a full spread ad and the woman at the front desk was already giving me the stink eye.  Needless to say I couldn't find the image online either.  Anyways, the ad was for Cheverolet. I almost skimmed right past it because it looked like any old car ad one would see in a magazine, a new shiny car displayed on the left side cruising through some type of picturesque mountain scenery.  Except for the fact that they had a beautiful display of san serif typography splashed across the whole image.  I made the decision to read it and it said "forgetting which side your gas cap is on is the only bad thing about it." (or something to this effect) The headline made me think. I always forget which side my gas cap is on and this is mainly due to the fact that I rarely have to get gas. What Cheverolet is saying, while still letting the audience do the work and come to this conclusion, is that this car has great gas mileage. Two things I can conclude with from this ad; 1) If it weren't for the aesthetically pleasing layout of the ad, I would have never read it in the first place. and 2) If it weren't for the well-written headline I would have never remembered it.  

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