Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Raise your hands for Mercedes-Benz

While watching some football the other night, I saw a commercial for the Mecedes-Benz SLS AMG. It really moved me for some reason and I don't even pay attention to cars that much.  The commercial shows a ton of clips from history of people raising their hands in the air. They show sporting events, a music conductor, a rock concert, even Martin Luther King Jr, made it into a clip. the last scene is the car opening its doors. The movement mimics the same universal gesture of raising your hands in the air. There are two parallels being made here. One is that by showing all major historical events or just emotion-packed events and then showing the mercedes at the end, the makers of this commercial are prompting us to subconsciously feel that this car is part of some kind of monumental event.  The second parallel that makes this ad effective is the human to car switch from all the beginning clips to the last one. When the car "raises its hands" at the end it is all of a sudden not just a car. It is another victorious human being lifting its hands up to accomplishment.  

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